Friday, August 23, 2019

Project - Answer questions based on readings Essay - 1

Project - Answer questions based on readings - Essay Example Leopold’s advocacy instigated an era that allowed for people to transcend introspective personal necessities in favor of environmental consciousness. His call for conscience must initially start from cognizance of man’s acts and how it affects the ecology. 2. In its entirety Rachel Carson writes a very poignant essay which illustrates a perceptible recognition of her predisposition which is noticeably literary. â€Å"All through the night the cries of curlews and plovers and knots, of sandpipers and turnstones and yellowlegs, drifted down from the sky. The mockingbirds who lived on the island listened to the cries. The next day they would have many new notes†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Carson, 1941). This passage stuck to me in a way that it evoked a deep sense of poetic beauty that signifies symbolic representations while at the same time realistically narrating something that is actual and tangible. The connotations of the night proved to be consistent in this passage with the birds howling at night that suggests they are probably in misery over something. The mockingbirds represented the role of a spectator much like the reader who are there only to witness them but without any active part in the process. But as far as symbolisms would go, a new day would present a new beginning and a new hope that was equally appropriate for the birds. 3. There had always been an attribution of enchantment and an implication of beauty toward flowers. This gift of nature in different forms, shapes, sizes and smells evoke a profound feeling that is often romanticized as perpetuated by poets and the like. The reverence given to flowers had always been reinforced by society. Flowers, depending upon the circumstance, may imply love, sympathy, respect or delight. The next quotation signifies a stripped version of man and all of his ingenuities as by-products. But in essence, it is nature that is the

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