Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Innovations management in organizations.Eastman Kodak Company Assignment

Innovations management in organizations.Eastman Kodak Company - Assignment Example Today, organizations perform in very dynamic environments. For example, technology keep on changings, new risks keep on emerging, and competition keep increasing as new players join the industry in which these organizations operate among others In order that organizations keep up with these changes, innovative problem solving techniques are required; otherwise organizations which do not embrace keeping up with these changes risk being edged out of competition by their rivals (Dooley & Lupton 2005). Amongst the worst challenges that organizations are faced with today is keeping up with technological changes (Dooley & Lupton 2005). Change in technology (both technologies required for running activities of organization or their products) has been so dynamic that organizations or companies which do not keep up with these changes may not be able to compete since their products or operations may be rendered obsolete (Dooley & Lupton 2005). For example, everything today is shifting from ana logue technologies to digital technologies which are considered more convenient in terms of cost, efficiency and speed (Harmancioglu et al. 2007). Just to mention a few products or industries which have been tremendously affected by the technology changes: cameras (digital cameras seem to be replacing traditional film cameras), TV (digital transmission is replacing the traditional analogue transmission), and phones (emergence of mobile phones have replaced the traditional telephone booths) among others. It has also been noted that some organizations are more innovative than others, and are likely to embrace technology than others. While their counterparts tend to keep their status quo of maintaining their star products or services, these companies keep examining the environments in which they operate so to identify likely change that may take place in future that has the capability of altering the environments in which these organizations operate. This paper, therefore, aims at exam ining how organization leadership and culture process influence the success of innovation. The paper will also explain why it is hard for an organization to replicate success of other organizations, and why organizations that embrace innovation are different from those that do not embrace technological change. These explanations will be supported by giving real world examples. The difference between these organizations Normally change cannot be managed, all organizations can do is going ahead of change, and it is those who lead change that are able to survive in the dynamics of technological environment. Therefore, organization managements should ensure that their organization go ahead of technological change and innovations. It is the role of the management to embrace change in their organizations, therefore, the difference between organizations that embrace technological innovation change and those that do not embrace these technological changes is that management of the former is more change focused, while management of the latter is more focused on maintaining status quo other than exploring new ways of doing things. Role of leadership, culture and process in the success of innovation Just as mentioned in the previous paragraph, it is the role of organizations leaders to enhance and embrace innovations within the management systems of organizations; it is them who are make policies that govern organizations, and therefore, have powers of developing and enhancing various cultures, including cultures of change and innovations within organizations. Therefore, the management of organizations which do not embrace the technological innovations and changes normally develops strategies of maintaining the market share of their traditional products (Laureate Education 2011). The management of organizations which embrace technological innovations, on the other hand, normally develops

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