Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Treatment of workers with disability Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Treatment of workers with disability - Essay Example There are annual awards to be won, stocks to be bought and customers to be wooed into buying the goods and services offered by a company. In order to this, all efforts have been made that surpass all logic. Some measures have to be introduced in order to ensure that businesses remain within the legal brackets. Otherwise the employers would work their staff to death in this competitive world of business. The business ethics sought of bring a semblance of sanity in a world that firms would do just about anything to remain at the top of their game. Working hours has been a major issue in the business world. Luckily, this has been quelled by the onset of overtime payments. A worker should be paid for the extra time they work outside their normal working schedule. Ethics are very important for a business. It involves the making of decisions that are in accordance to the firm’s culture. This largely involves the abandoning of methods that would lead to big profits within a short spa n of time, because such ambitions are usually the reason that businesses veer off the path of ethics. The ethical issues in a business are of major importance since they may attract to or send away customers from the company’s products. This will either boost sales or cause the sales to plummet. They may also encourage the employees to stay or equally send them away, hence affecting the firm’s productivity. Employee loyalty is very important to a firm. Apart from these, they may attract the employees to the firm. This will consequently reduce the recruitment costs and enable the firm to acquire the most talented of staff. Abiding with the ethics may also result to the attraction of investors which will increase the share prices and thwart any chances of the firm’s takeover. The most prevalent ethical issue in the business world in this paper will concern the treatment of workers with disability. There are laid out laws that prohibit the mistreatment of persons w ith disability. Campaigns have been carried out in order to change the people’s attitudes towards the disabled persons who have been viewed as outcasts. Disability is not by any means inability. Hence, the disabled people and especially workers should be accorded the same treatment as their normal counterparts. They are entitled to earning a living as the rest and should never be discriminated upon. At least that is what the business ethics state. Abercrombie and Fitch is a clothing retailing firm. In 2009, the firm was sued for allegedly hiding a student in the store stockroom who had been working in the store in the store stockroom because her prosthetic arm did not augur with the ‘look policy’ of the firm. The employee had been working as a sales assistant in the firm’s London outlet. The student, Riam Dean, twenty two years old and had been studying law at Greenford in west London. She related that the company transferred her form the shop’s flo or that was situated at the company’s Savile Row branch when her disability came to the attention of the management. Dean was born without her left forearm and had worn the prosthetic arm ever since she was three months old. She pressed charges against the company for disability discrimination which had left her feeling belittled and humiliated. This came after she had declined to take off her cardigan while at work in the store. She felt bullied out of the job and admits that this incident was one of the worst times in her entire life. She asked ? 25,000 in compensation for what she had undergone during her time in the stores. When she applied for the job, she had informed the management about her problem.

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